5 Simple Life Hacks To Give You Back Time

It’s right around this time of year that we start feeling a bit panicked that we are running out of time. Perhaps your workload has increased, your ‘to do’ list at home is overflowing or your holiday shopping list is untouched. Even things like squeezing in those doctor’s visits before the calendar year is up can cause extra stress. Regardless of what’s on your mind, you feel like there is no time to do it all!


I present to you, 5 life hacks to give you back your time:

  1. Go to bed early. Get up early.  Sorry folks, if you were looking for a silver bullet this is not it. Getting proper sleep is a huge factor in reducing stress and feeling mentally alert, which means you get things done more efficiently. Getting up early will help you attack the day with a clear head and get important work done before there are any distractions. A UC Berkeley study found that subjects performed 30% better after waking up from REM sleep than after waking up from non-REM sleep. If you have trouble falling asleep you could try a natural sleep remedy like melatonin, or my personal favorite, Nighty Night Tea (talk to your doctor first!). 

  2. Batch your work. Batching tasks means that you group a long list of similar tasks together to complete during a dedicated time period with no interruptions. This makes it easier to focus on one thing at a time and get more done because your brain doesn’t have to switch gears. Science has proven that every time you change to a new task there is a "retooling” process that has to take place. Here are a few more tips on batching.

  3. Delegate. As you plan your day, ask yourself: Is this something that I really need to do myself, or could someone else do this instead? At work, be strategic about which meetings you attend and which tasks you say yes to. At home make sure everyone in the household has specific responsibilities or if it makes sense for your needs and budget, look into local services to outsource errands, cleaning and other tasks.

  4. Follow the 2-minute rule. This is the idea that any task under 2 minutes should be done right away. This frees up mental space and reduces overload. If the task takes longer, document it on a to-do list (and possibly batch it), so you don't have to worry about forgetting.

  5. Create a capsule to make getting dressed easier. Create a mini capsule wardrobe so you have key pieces that are versatile and will mix and match well with everything else you have. The capsule should consist of standard base items as well as signature pieces that combine to make a number of outfits. These are things that you feel confident in and don’t have to think about, so you can spend less time getting dressed in the morning. Check out our recent article on How to Start a Winter Capsule.

