An Hour-Long PRIVATE session with Kathy KEARNS, Founder of THIRD LAW. A great gift for friends, family or yourself!



You’ll fill out a detailed questionnaire about your challenges and style preferences, including your top 3 goals for our call. I will use your answers to prep for our call and decide the proper approach. Depending on your unique needs, we will determine how much time to spend on the areas below. Ideally we would pick ONE to focus on during the hour. The areas are:

  • "Wardrobe strategy"- Personal brand/signature style development custom to your goals. Think of it as a blueprint that can help you filter what you bring in/out of your closet

  • “Wardrobe edit" - We talk through key steps and tools to do a closet cleanse sustainably.

  • "Key pieces" - We identify 1 or 2 new key pieces that can make the biggest impact in your wardrobe.



“Kathy was exactly the wardrobe strategist I didn’t know I could find! Personal branding is where I started my career, and building a sustainable wardrobe is a recent endeavor of mine, so Kathy was a perfect cross section between the two, uniquely able to support me in making my exterior reflect my interior in a way that has less harmful impact on our planet.”

Briene Lermitte, NY, Producer

"The palette you created for me in the personal brand consult is a perfect representation of me! It helps me find things that work best for my style."

Jennifer Claire, NJ, Promotion, iHeartMedia

"I always have my personal brand in my head when I shop now. I have not spent foolishly, I focus on the right materials and colors that compliment me from my color palette. And if I haven't turned that hanger around I reconsider that piece. It definitely has been a change of life for me. A nice reboot!

-Barbara Wisniewski, PA, Education

“I am generally really picky with what I wear, and have been frustrated by the fact that the clothes I do have don't feel like they're communicating the right message. THIRD LAW really helped me understand what I wanted my personal brand to project, and what types of clothes would really work well for me. Plus, they gave me amazing ideas for sustainable brands with staple pieces that I felt were spot on!”

Alina S, CA, Co-Founder & CEO stealth mode startup

"These days, it feels like most personal styling services consist primarily of someone else just telling you what to wear, what you should like and what you don’t like. Kathy really took the time and effort to understand me as an individual. Ultimately, THIRD LAW has really allowed me to hone in on what values matter most to me, and what my personal brand really is. Everything Kathy presented to me at the end of our last meeting (personal brand guidelines and my mini capsule) were 100% on point. I can’t wait to go shopping now!"

Miranda Bucciero, NY, Co-Founder of Flour Power