The Most Important Step in Decluttering Your Closet

Chances are high that you may have some clutter in your closet. Perhaps you purge every season, only to find that things go right back to the way they were. You have a few things you love, but too many things that you don’t wear. Maybe they are the wrong style, poor quality, or the wrong fit. The reasons vary, but the outcome is the same. You are left feeling frustrated, stressed, and less confident than you could be if your clothing actually expressed who you are today, and who you aspire to be.


BUT there is good news! As more and more people align with building a conscious wardrobe, there is an increase in happiness, confidence, and clarity not only in our closets but in our everyday lives. It’s incredibly easy to do, you just have to make the time and space for it in your life. In the end, it will keep you from having to declutter so frequently and save you time and money!


This beginning of the year or beginning of a new season is a great time to map out our vision and tie that vision to how we visually represent ourselves every day. This is the first step to solving the never-ending closet purging game.

Stay tuned for the launch of our upcoming online course, The Sustainable Wardrobe Academy, which will be available everywhere in January. Module #1 will be dedicated to creating your vision, including defining your purpose and values. 

Then we’ll tie that vision to your signature style (Module #2!) to create a unique blueprint that will help you strategically guide what comes in and out of your wardrobe. There are more juicy modules, but I won’t give it all away just yet! You can also grab our free cheat sheet to kickstart a sustainable wardrobe here.