For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. An interwoven web of impact that ripples through our lives, families, communities, and world. At THIRD LAW, we believe that your closet is the greatest, most accessible tool for personal and global transformation, and that the actions each of us take around wardrobe have the power to impact our lives and world—for good.


THIRD LAW is a sustainable fashion strategy and activation company for the modern world. We unleash your ability to create and curate a wardrobe that works powerfully for you and for our planet. We see sustainability as a path to a more limitless, expressive and easy life. We believe that anyone who gets dressed in the morning has an incredible opportunity to make a positive, intentional imprint—and we’re here to show you how.

Sweeping change starts with simple shifts. The number one way we will fashion a circular economy is by changing minds—and mindsets!—around wardrobe.

Sustainability starts with awareness and is implemented through mindset and daily decision-making. We mend, repurpose, recycle, thrift and swap. We shop intentionally, to fuel our personal aspirations and the health of the planet. We unlock business’ ability to actively create a more conscious fashion industry. We live at the edge of of sustainability and are passionate about sharing what we know.


Above all, THIRD LAW is a community of thoughtful people on a path to transformation. We aren’t here to shame or blame. We value expression and individualism, we share resources, and we act with kindness. We meet you exactly where you’re at, and invite everyone to join our movement. Building a sustainable world is a collective mission—when we join forces and raise our consciousness together, we are unstoppable.


At THIRD LAW, we believe...


For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.

Our actions impact others, and the actions of others impact us. We live in a circular economy—and interwoven planet. We are beholden to one another, and we must take responsibility for keeping that symbiotic relationship healthy and in harmony.


Your closet is your greatest, most accessible tool for transformation.

Anyone that gets dressed in the morning has a huge opportunity to make a positive impact—on their lives and on the world.. There are no barriers to getting started—you already have the power to transform!


Sustainable living should feel limitless, expressive and easy.

The industry tells us that sustainability isn’t worth our trouble, that it has to look bland, restricts your life and options, and empties your wallet. We’re here to offer a different reality of ease, delight, and endless possibilities.


Mindset and awareness are the most critical elements to get right.

Sustainability starts with awareness and is implemented with mindset and daily decision-making. What you put in your shopping cart is the smallest component to the equation. Creating a more sustainable world is a collective effort, and everyone is needed at the table.


Building a sustainable world is a multidisciplinary mission

We need every industry and every human involved. When we join forces and raise our consciousness together, we are unstoppable.