What is Fashion Revolution Week?

THIRD LAW is gearing up for Fashion Revolution Week which falls on April 20th-April 26th this year. You may ask, “What is Fashion Revolution Week?” Well, we’ve got you covered! 

Fashion Revolution Week was created by an organization known as Fashion Revolution. Its mission began in an effort to research, educate and collaborate as a campaign for the fashion industry to be “clean, safe, fair and transparent.” Many common materials that are used to make clothing can be harmful to our people and environment, which is what makes the fashion industry so impactful.

Therefore, Fashion Revolution aims to make sure companies and factories take precautionary measures and make changes to relieve millions of people from poverty while conserving and restoring our planet in its entirety. You can check out Fashion Revolutions full impact here

Photo: Fashion Revolution Press Images

Photo: Fashion Revolution Press Images

Fashion Revolution Week was created after the 2013 Rana Plaza collapse in Bangladesh and occurs every year on the anniversary week of the collapse. This terrible tragedy demolished various garment factories which employed about 5,000 people. Over 1,000 of these employees died from this disaster, while 2,500 were injured.

Fashion Revolution came together to encourage others to also come together as a way to campaign for a systematic change. The campaign focuses on making sure brands and retailers are paying their workers fairly and that their working conditions are safe. Additionally, it focuses on making sure companies are using materials that do not harm the health of people, animals or our environment. 

YOU can get involved in the Fashion Revolution Week campaign too. Take action with these simple steps: 

1) Send An Email to a Brand:

Email a brand which you purchase clothing from and mention your concerns of fair pay for employees, use of harmless materials, etc. Use #WhoMadeMyClothes to address your concerns in a friendly, informative way. You can even mention how things are at a stand-still due to COVID-19 and how we need to make sure employees are still being treated fairly. You can find an example email on their site, here

THIRD LAW Who Made My Clothes.png

2) Post a Selfie:

Take a photo of yourself wearing an outfit or specific article of clothing you love (from a brand that is not transparent about its sustainability and ethics), to post it to your Instagram, Facebook or Twitter. Use the hashtag #WhoMadeMyClothes or #WhatsInMyClothes, then tag the Brand you are wearing to briefly explain your concerns for them to address. You can see an example of this in the Fashion Revolution guide

3) Sign the Manifesto:

Fashion Revolution has a Manifesto for you to sign, demanding “radical, revolutionary change” in the fashion industry. Check it out here

Let’s all come together for Fashion Revolution Week to make a change. The time is now.