How to Host a Halloween Costume Swap

Halloween is upon us! Still deciding what to wear? Why not host a Halloween costume swap? This will not only save you money, it is also an incredibly sustainable option that will avoid the purchase of cheaply made single-use items. Grab some friends, get your playlist ready, and have fun! Here are our five tips for hosting a costume swapping party.


1. Swap early

National Costume Swap Day takes place on the second Saturday of every October, but you may want to hold your costume swap even earlier depending on when your friends like to start preparing their outfits.

2. Decide on the size of your gathering

Your swap party will look substantially different depending on if you go small or big. With a small gathering of family and friends, you won’t need to find a large space or advertise as much. On the other hand, a larger gathering is a great way to bring together the community and have even more costume options.

3. Create rules

Will your swapping party require that each person bring something to contribute or is everyone welcome to take what they need? Typically each person will bring at least one item and take one home. Any leftovers are up for grabs.

4. Setup the space

Make sure you isolate a try-on area equipped with privacy measures and a mirror. If it’s an in-home party, a bathroom or bedroom are great options, but in a larger venue a small conference room will do in a pinch.


5. Get organized

Organize your costumes by size (and age if you are including kids’ costumes). You can use clothing racks, tables, or whatever surface you have to sort your items and tape up signs to indicate the sizes. Remember to encourage your guests to try on clothes in other sizes since clothing items once worn may have shrunk or expanded in the wash.

If you’re wondering what to do with any leftover costumes, you can always donate to a local school. Schools have limited costume budgets so giving to our young people for creative projects such as theatre can be rewarding knowing that your clothing could have a second life on the stage.

Lastly, don’t forget to have fun! Serve a fun cocktail or mocktail, play your favorite music and serve some simple snacks to get everyone in the Halloween spirit. Not only will you have a great excuse to have some friends over, but you’ll also be helping the planet and your wallet.